JANUARY 15th, 2015 UPDATE:
I am pleased to announce that we are now an ACCREDITED BUSINESS under the Nova Scotia Better Business Bureau as well as an ACTIVE MEMBER under the Firewood Vendor's Association of Nova Scotia also found under Access Nova Scotia.
Please check out what consumers say about my business and way I do things under the Nova Scotia Better Business Bureau under Customer/Consumer Reviews
WOOD ISSUE UPDATE May 28th, 2015. This noted below is very important to read. And once you do, take heed and DO THE MATH!
After receiving several calls this week about companies; and in general, wood sellers, some registered with the Registry of Firewood Vendors in Halifax and surrounding areas, and then after a conversation with Measurement Canada referencing the same, I am appalled at the response on the matter. Classified as being sold as a 'UNIT', this so called practice is way less than a proper cord by MEASUREMENT CANADA STANDARDS and Measurement Canada informs me that this is LEGAL, even though it is not a proper cord based on a STACKED CORD of 128 cubic feet. When I look at this, I see TWO STANDARDS here and sadly, YOU, THE CONSUMER, you are the ones being SCREWED ONCE MORE by the way of Government. We need CONTROLS - not people being allowed to change the rules or say, 'it is legal as long as the customer is told it is a UNIT or some other wording letting them know it is NOT a PROPER CORD, all in all, being sold 'LEGALLY LESS' than a cord and in the process of that, not using the words 'CORD or STACKED CORD' What the hell is wrong with people? And here I thought Measurement Canada wanted to make this an even playing field.
Having ONCE AGAIN checked Measurement Canada's site on Firewood, the following ARE NOT CONSIDERED AS LEGAL MEASUREMENTS pertaining to FIREWOOD. (Short Cord, Face Cord, Thrown Cord, Processed Cord (for which a UNIT CORD TRULY IS coming in between 85 to maybe 100 cubic feet), apartment cord and other amounts not listed and are TOTALLY ILLEGAL MEASUREMENTS in CANADA. So, my question is, why suddenly is Measurement Canada in Nova Scotia allowing this? In my books, it is allowing others a path to SCREW the consumer. So, be on your toes, always insist on a 'PROPER STACKED CORD AMOUNT, and above all, get your calculator out and do the math before ordering short cords as 'UNITS' or any other method of description. Remember, a guaranteed cord is 128 cubic feet. On a $300.00 cord, based on 128 cubic feet, that literally works out at $2.43 a cubic foot. On a 'UNIT' sold, that becomes anywhere from $3.17 to $3.52 per cubic feet. So, WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF DOUBLE STANDARDS and GOVERNMENT.
I Sell Tri-Maple Mix Hardwood cut & split @ $ .00 per cord.
In life there are NO easy solutions. We try counteracting this by making intelligent choices by, and based on the facts that we get proper and clear direction in our search for the proper answers. As for what is right, and for what is wrong for the Property Owner, it is he, or she, who should be the one that is in charge of making the correct decision in life as by what his, and her family needs are.
What Is Needed In This Province to Protect You The Consumer.
Section #7 Summary(1) What I Feel Would Be Fair and A Step In The Correct Direction
(2) My Personal View on Long Overdue Government Regulation
(3) Nova Scotia Renewables Public Education Bioenergy
(4) Nova Scotia's Forest Sustainability Regulations
(5) Government letters and correspondence on WOOD ISSUES
I have been bitching to the Provincial Government in this Province and to the Measurement Canada office in HRM trying to have measures taken in Governing the SALE of FIREWOOD, the SELLERS of FIREWOOD, while making honest efforts that are LONG OVER DUE in correcting the mess we have now that allows the SCAMMERS and CHEATERS the freedom to do as they choose. Sadly, and to date this 20th of December 2012, they obviously feel that protection to you, and for you, the consumer, is not an important issue. I have raised many concerns though several Government Agencies and a member of the Governing Caucus within the Provincial Government, spoken to several people in the Governmental Program and to date, lies upon lies about contact and looking at this in a serious manner. Why is it that politicians of this Province are best at 'Passing the Buck' while feathering their own personal nest?
I have been bitching to the Provincial Government in this Province and to the Measurement Canada office in HRM trying to have measures taken in Governing the SALE of FIREWOOD, the SELLERS of FIREWOOD, while making honest efforts that are LONG OVER DUE in correcting the mess we have now that allows the SCAMMERS and CHEATERS the freedom to do as they choose. Sadly, and to date this 20th of December 2012, they obviously feel that protection to you, and for you, the consumer, is not an important issue. I have raised many concerns though several Government Agencies and a member of the Governing Caucus within the Provincial Government, spoken to several people in the Governmental Program and to date, lies upon lies about contact and looking at this in a serious manner. Why is it that politicians of this Province are best at 'Passing the Buck' while feathering their own personal nest?
In this section I will be posting my correspondence to both the present Government (and in my personal opinion, this is not a good one and someone who works for the people is needed) and a copy of the letter to the leader of the opposition (who again as the Government) chooses to both ignore and not have the common decency to at least respond. This is no different than what the honest consumer has to go through with and has to contend with when he or she has been screwed over. And these are the people wanting your votes and asking you yet to trust them AGAIN....and in some cases - for the first time come the road lined with election promises. Personally, I do think they need to address the CRIMES of Fraud, Conspiracy to Defraud, Misrepresentation and more from the actions as being committed here in the FIREWOOD area by the offenders of who are allowed to do as they choose without solid consumer protection laws that will be acted on.
As with KIJIJI, they are no better. I do find their site the BIGGEST PROBLEM when it comes to misleading the public. Their so called 'Guidelines' PROTECT THEM as a business, and not the CONSUMER. It is SAD when these people DO NOT, and WILL NOT step up to the plate and do what is right. Other Countries have laws protecting citizens from these crimes. Why is it that Canada as a Country, and The Province of Nova Scotia WILL NOT work to PROTECT YOU, THE CONSUMER? Why is it that GOVERNMENTS in GENERAL cannot control the lies and misrepresentations that repeatedly go on the KIJIJI site day after day? This is only about what is right, what is wrong, and who should be held accountable. There is nothing in this for me. And in return, I want nothing. I do not sell wood as a business or a mainline activity to make a living. For me, I only want to sell a small quantity a year and do so for fitness and fun. But, I do it right and will guarantee any and all of my actions as being correct. I will be posting correspondence and other letters in this section back and forth Government and my continual requests for Kijiji to do something right for a change.
(2) My Views On Government Regulation As To What Is Needed To Protect The Consumer:
When we look at the problem, we must address the issues of MEASUREMENT to begin with. How is it defined for those of you who DO NOT know? In this Country it is defined by Cords of Measurement based on 128 cubic feet. Sadly, this can be easily manipulated by some of the tricks outlined earlier and by the mis-representation factor presently being used by the Scammers and Cheaters. How do we protect you from this?
(a) That ANY, and ALL PEOPLE SELLING and DELIVERING FIREWOOD be REGISTERED with the Province of Nova Scotia, and have an APPROVED and VALID REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE posted visibly on the VEHICLE such as a door sticker numbered and traceable by the consumer as done with the IFTA program of this Province.
(b) Invoices would be needed clearly defining the cordage by both CUBIC FEET and PILED CORD AMOUNTS when delivered, need to be introduced as LAW.
(c) Declaration on the Invoice as to the type of wood being sold, the cuts of the wood, the quality of the wood, the time the wood was harvested - meaning MONTH and YEAR cut, and from where the wood originated that is being sold on that date, need to clearly defined and declared on the invoice and a warranty signature to the above be essential. This should be furthered by a section for a gauging of the moisture content on average by the seller or delivery person when delivery is tendered and based on a probing of several pieces by the buyer's choice. This should be sectioned on and so noted in the presence of the buyer through the use of a moisture probe meter and written clearly on the invoice.
(d) Invoices that clearly outline all of the Selling Person or Person's information, Business or Business's Information including Correct Address, Proper Place of Business, Correct Contact Phone Numbers, Legally Registered Business Name with the Province of Nova Scotia, Approved Membership to the Firewood Vendors Association of Nova Scotia that is granted by Measurement Canada, A Provincial Vehicle Sticker both Approved by the Province and Measurement Canada verifying that the vehicle is an acceptable and measured mode of transportation suitable and legal for trade in the SELLING and DELIVERY of FIREWOOD; along with a signed guarantee or declaration from the seller be law.
(e) Invoice to have Driver or Delivery Person's information including A Driver's License Master Number, Picture, Proper Contact Phone Number and Declaration that all of the above listed information is to be true.
(f) All Sellers to be monitored and sale procedures verified several times a year for correct information, properly used vehicles in the transporting wood, quantities of wood PURCHASED for resale, quantities of wood SOLD, verification on where the wood came from, complaints and quality of product sold.
(g) Any complaints levied that are legitimate should be quickly investigated such as: short cording, false information, misrepresentation's in general of operating names, Better Business Bureau and Police complaints, product quantity, quality and pricing. Any seller deemed guilty by the investigation, should be fined and BANNED from selling firewood products until the issue is rectified. Enforcement of this issue to be a necessity. On a second infraction, all licenses pulled on a permanent basis.
(h) Vehicles transporting wood that ARE NOT PROPERLY REGISTERED with the Province and Measurement Canada under a Firewood Licensing Program, should be seized and sold at public auction due to NOT FOLLOWING THE LAWS. As for the person or person's guilty of the infraction, they should be automatically barred from the selling of firewood or related products indefinitely.
(i) Anyone caught, reported for selling and delivering firewood who is not an approved seller as required, should be dealt with by the full and legal extent of the law.
(j) Should the sale of Firewood Products be sold in volume of WEIGHT, (which is very UNRELIABLE when it comes to varying wood densities, moisture content and the amounts of free or unoccupied space due to loose loading) all of the above terms and conditions should also be met in accordance with the Rules and Regulations as to protect the consumer in all ways.
(k) With the advertisement of FIREWOOD PRODUCTS by anyone, it should essential for them to HAVE and HOLD a legally licensed business name properly approved by the Province of Nova Scotia Should they be advertising wood for sale in any form of advertisement and ARE NOT REGISTERED as required, they should be reprimanded by the full extent of the law.
What the past several years has taught me, is that there is a strong need for Government Controls and Full Regulation of this industry. It is both an ENERGY RESOURCE and a FORESTRY PRODUCT. As it stands, both of these DO HAVE Government Regulations attached. Looking at the positive side of that, 'why is it that with firewood there is none? Why is it that the Consumer ends up taking the hit through scammers, cheaters and part time sellers posing as True Woodsmen who live on lies and misrepresentations while lining their deep pockets with the CASH TAX FREE DOLLARS (CONSUMERS MONEY - YOUR MONEY) that they manage from each and everyone they cheat? However, let you, the consumer cheat on your taxes and see how far you get. Is there something wrong with this picture? Perhaps it is me, that is the one here who is incorrect in pursuing what should be both LAW and FAIR to and for the CONSUMER?
(4) Nova Scotia's Forest Sustainability Regulations
Synposis and FAQ
(and whoever wrote this for Government
cannot spell. synposis is spelled 'synoposis')
Commercial St .
142 Commercial
P.O. Box 1420
Middleton , N.S.
Commercial St .
(g) Any complaints levied that are legitimate should be quickly investigated such as: short cording, false information, misrepresentation's in general of operating names, Better Business Bureau and Police complaints, product quantity, quality and pricing. Any seller deemed guilty by the investigation, should be fined and BANNED from selling firewood products until the issue is rectified. Enforcement of this issue to be a necessity. On a second infraction, all licenses pulled on a permanent basis.
(h) Vehicles transporting wood that ARE NOT PROPERLY REGISTERED with the Province and Measurement Canada under a Firewood Licensing Program, should be seized and sold at public auction due to NOT FOLLOWING THE LAWS. As for the person or person's guilty of the infraction, they should be automatically barred from the selling of firewood or related products indefinitely.
(i) Anyone caught, reported for selling and delivering firewood who is not an approved seller as required, should be dealt with by the full and legal extent of the law.
(j) Should the sale of Firewood Products be sold in volume of WEIGHT, (which is very UNRELIABLE when it comes to varying wood densities, moisture content and the amounts of free or unoccupied space due to loose loading) all of the above terms and conditions should also be met in accordance with the Rules and Regulations as to protect the consumer in all ways.
(k) With the advertisement of FIREWOOD PRODUCTS by anyone, it should essential for them to HAVE and HOLD a legally licensed business name properly approved by the Province of Nova Scotia Should they be advertising wood for sale in any form of advertisement and ARE NOT REGISTERED as required, they should be reprimanded by the full extent of the law.
What the past several years has taught me, is that there is a strong need for Government Controls and Full Regulation of this industry. It is both an ENERGY RESOURCE and a FORESTRY PRODUCT. As it stands, both of these DO HAVE Government Regulations attached. Looking at the positive side of that, 'why is it that with firewood there is none? Why is it that the Consumer ends up taking the hit through scammers, cheaters and part time sellers posing as True Woodsmen who live on lies and misrepresentations while lining their deep pockets with the CASH TAX FREE DOLLARS (CONSUMERS MONEY - YOUR MONEY) that they manage from each and everyone they cheat? However, let you, the consumer cheat on your taxes and see how far you get. Is there something wrong with this picture? Perhaps it is me, that is the one here who is incorrect in pursuing what should be both LAW and FAIR to and for the CONSUMER?
(3) Nova Scotia Renewables Public Education Bioenergy
The below two sections in black print are taken from a site under Nova Scotia information. What I find outrageous is the last paragraph in his section #3. If it is 'So Difficult' to estimate, why is it that we DO NOT have controls? Having all FIREWOOD SELLERS REGISTERED WITH THE PROVINCE would help in obtaining better and true information rather than some idiot use the word 'ESTIMATE'. To me, this would be one of the BEST METHODS for accurate information. Is the Federal Part of this that regulates wood controls as bad off?
When we look at Wood Waste in Nova Scotia from the people who sell wood as FIREWOOD alone, did you ever wonder how much is wasted in sawdust, chips, bark and left over particles not used for anything? Sadly, look at the waste in UNSOLD Christmas trees each year. THESE ARE OUR FUTURE TREES. As for cutting wood, and remember, this is a hobby to me whereas I only want to produce and sell a hundred cord or so a year, the sawdust cuttings here dumped over the bank and used as landfill. It is FREE for the taking. However, people want me to bag it and make it ready for THEM to pick up. HOW DAMN LAZY ARE WE GETTING? Imagine this, I only do this as a hobby. For more reasons than enough, we do need controls to obtain ACCURATE INFORMATION and a means of both PROTECTION TO and FOR THE CONSUMER as well as making sure the proper products are sold.
When we look at Wood Waste in Nova Scotia from the people who sell wood as FIREWOOD alone, did you ever wonder how much is wasted in sawdust, chips, bark and left over particles not used for anything? Sadly, look at the waste in UNSOLD Christmas trees each year. THESE ARE OUR FUTURE TREES. As for cutting wood, and remember, this is a hobby to me whereas I only want to produce and sell a hundred cord or so a year, the sawdust cuttings here dumped over the bank and used as landfill. It is FREE for the taking. However, people want me to bag it and make it ready for THEM to pick up. HOW DAMN LAZY ARE WE GETTING? Imagine this, I only do this as a hobby. For more reasons than enough, we do need controls to obtain ACCURATE INFORMATION and a means of both PROTECTION TO and FOR THE CONSUMER as well as making sure the proper products are sold.
Wood and wood waste is an important component of primary energy demand in Nova Scotia, particularly in rural areas.
Biomass use in Nova Scotia includes firewood in over 100,000 homes, a 22 MW biomass electrical co-generation facility in Brooklyn, pulp and paper plants, two sawmills producing electricity, two pellet manufacturing plants, numerous greenhouse operations, sawmill lumber drying kilns and wood-related industries that power their facilities with production waste.
Institutional users include the Nova Scotia Agricultural College, the South Shore Regional Hospital and the Annapolis Valley Regional Hospital.
The exact amount of wood used in the province for energy is difficult to estimate because so many individual users produce their own and there is also no data collection system in place to track consumption.
Synposis and FAQ
(and whoever wrote this for Government
cannot spell. synposis is spelled 'synoposis')
Nova Scotia's Forest Sustainability Regulations
Sustaining Our Wood Supply Through Increased Silviculture
Sustaining Our Wood Supply Through Increased Silviculture
Information Leaflet FOR-3
New forestry regulations created during the spring of 2000 require certain forestry companies, based on their annual volume of wood acquired, to undertake annual silviculture work on private land. (Private land means all lands excluding Crown land.) Companies can meet the requirements of these regulations by carrying out a silviculture program on private lands, by contributing money to a special fund, or some combination of both.
The Regulations cover all privately owned woodlands and will result in a significant increase in silviculture funding. The Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources (NSDNR) will continue to do its part to ensure that provincial Crown lands are properly managed.
In order to ensure that the current level of forest harvesting of privately owned woodlands is sustainable, there must be a significant increase in the amount of silviculture work completed.
Who is affected and what is expected of them?
Responsibilities of Registered Buyers
Registered Buyers are forestry companies including businesses and individuals who; own or operate facilities that process primary forest products (e.g. sawmills), import or export primary forest products from Nova Scotia, acquire more than 1 000 cubic metres solid (454 cords) per year of firewood for sale, or acquire forest products to produce energy.
Registered Buyers are forestry companies including businesses and individuals who; own or operate facilities that process primary forest products (e.g. sawmills), import or export primary forest products from Nova Scotia, acquire more than 1 000 cubic metres solid (454 cords) per year of firewood for sale, or acquire forest products to produce energy.
Registered Buyers who acquire more than 5 000 cubic metres solid (2 270 cords) per year of wood from private lands are required to:
- submit a wood acquisition plan (WAP) and year-end report to NSDNR by February 28 each year.
- conduct a silviculture program or contribute to the Sustainable Forestry Fund in lieu of a program, or a combination of both.
Sadly, there are FIREWOOD PRODUCERS out there that GOVERNMENT have no control over who are well over this limit. Whether they, themselves, cut it from lands, should not be the issue. The issue should be finding out where it comes from, whose property was it cut from, how many cords were cut, to whom was it originally sold, how much was sold for FIREWOOD and HOW MUCH was PROCESSED and SOLD for FIREWOOD and was this BUYER and SELLER a registered PERSON or BUSINESS with the PROVINCE. If he isn't or wasn't, then the Government is just as responsible to you for the SCAMMERS screwing you out of money and proper cord count when buying firewood. As I see it, it makes the Government a partner with them in their quest to be both ILLEGAL and with their agenda of beating the system. Is this really your tax dollars at work? Is it the Government helping them to make untaxed money, while the rest of us who are legal, strive under the eyes of Measurement Canada to guarantee you the proper everything when it comes to us selling you firewood, a forestry and energy product to heat your homes?
I am not picking on the Province, but I am merely suggesting ANYONE can place ANYTHING in PRINT. Kijiji allows this type of crap all of the time and from MANY sellers who DO NOT have LEGAL BUSINESS NAMES, A PROPER PLACE OF BUSINESS and the list goes on while you pay the price and after the SCAM happens, you are left to fend for yourself as the sinking in quicksand continues. As a Firewood Vendor who is Registered with the Province, with Measurement Canada, has a Legal and Registered Business Name, Is on record with the BBB, I DO KEEP ACCURATE RECORDS of what I buy and sell. I further this by breaking it down in CUBIC FEET per load, so that ALL WOOD is accounted for. PERSONALLY, I DO think this is proper. In doing this, what I do is NOT ESTIMATED as written above by the Province in their literature. However, have they ever asked me for stats? Have they ever asked all of the Illegal Operators Selling Firewood in this Province for accuracy in Firewood Sales? NO!
I am not hitting on the Province, but merely stating their Program and Controls as written SUCK! I know of a couple of Firewood Producers selling well over the limit. However, what have they done to correct this? NOTHING as I am aware of to date. Sadly, one continues because he DOES NOT USE, HAVE ANY PROPER and LEGAL BUSINESS NAMES, and sells under a dozen to two dozen illegitimate names while advertising on Kijiji in literally 50 to 60 ads per day. This is all done to avoid the RADAR on doing anything properly. When this happens, it is both the Consumer and any Accountable Program that the Government wants to maintain paying the price. In the end, it is US, THE CONSUMER and TAXPAYER WHO PAYS THE PRICE. Sadly, here we get nailed two times plus, because GOVERNMENT is FAILING BADLY at the job they claim to be doing by the information they write in their little blurbs as above. Whether it is this Present Government or a Previous Government who established these guidelines, it is simple; the RULES ARE NOT BEING APPLIED to PROTECT US, being the CONSUMER/TAXPAYER, and the WOODLANDS are being Mis-MANAGED because of the LACK of OVERALL REGULATIONS and NEEDED CONTROLS to accommodate the laws as written.
What I find interesting is the COMPLETE GOVERNMENT CONTROLS and REGULATION placed on HEATING ENERGIES as Electricity, Heating Oil, Propane, Natural Gas for our homes and Petrol and Diesel for our vehicles. What you DON'T KNOW is that when a tractor Trailer or ANY TRUCK Registered over 10,000 pounds that is DIESEL and operates in the Canadian Provinces, in comes the IFTA Program. This is designed to maintain mileage and fuel consumption used in the Jurisdictions of Canada so that ALL OF THE MILES travelled in the individual Provinces do have the Tax Dollars maintained for Highway use therefore guaranteeing each Province their fair share of the Tax Dollars Revenue as generated by the individual miles travelled and fuel purchased or not purchased.
At the pumps, the true test of Regulation is simple. The simple test is the next time you are at the pumps, check the stickers as maintained, tested and guaranteed by the Province by means of Controls. The pumps ARE TESTED for accuracy; well....that is what the sticker leads us to believe. So, this being said, wood is also a Renewable Energy and SHOULD fall INTO, and UNDER the watchful eye of REGULATION. If not, this literally defeats the purpose of any PROTECTION, to, and FOR the CONSUMER. This, therefore DOES ELIMINATE ANY POSSIBLE MEANS of controlling the firewood consumption by properly used information pertaining to facts and studies, and will disqualify any form of ACCURATE information as to just how much of our resources are being gobbled up each year. The true question is, how much firewood is actually being sold and used for heat by the illegal sale of firewood by unregistered sellers and the unreported TAX DOLLARS to the GOVERNMENT? For those who operate illegally and cast lies of persuasion and dispersion on the consumer daily, they ARE THE ACTUAL WINNERS at your expense, since there are NO CONTROLS on what they do and by what they sell in reference to PROPER CORDAGE, QUANTITIES and QUALITY. Sadly, we cannot have it both ways. We do need protection and we do need controls that WILL REGULATE those in the business to guarantee you, the consumer, the best and guaranteed options with an easy recourse through Government for QUICK and DECISIVE ACTION when things ARE NOT DONE BY LAW.
What I find interesting is the COMPLETE GOVERNMENT CONTROLS and REGULATION placed on HEATING ENERGIES as Electricity, Heating Oil, Propane, Natural Gas for our homes and Petrol and Diesel for our vehicles. What you DON'T KNOW is that when a tractor Trailer or ANY TRUCK Registered over 10,000 pounds that is DIESEL and operates in the Canadian Provinces, in comes the IFTA Program. This is designed to maintain mileage and fuel consumption used in the Jurisdictions of Canada so that ALL OF THE MILES travelled in the individual Provinces do have the Tax Dollars maintained for Highway use therefore guaranteeing each Province their fair share of the Tax Dollars Revenue as generated by the individual miles travelled and fuel purchased or not purchased.
At the pumps, the true test of Regulation is simple. The simple test is the next time you are at the pumps, check the stickers as maintained, tested and guaranteed by the Province by means of Controls. The pumps ARE TESTED for accuracy; well....that is what the sticker leads us to believe. So, this being said, wood is also a Renewable Energy and SHOULD fall INTO, and UNDER the watchful eye of REGULATION. If not, this literally defeats the purpose of any PROTECTION, to, and FOR the CONSUMER. This, therefore DOES ELIMINATE ANY POSSIBLE MEANS of controlling the firewood consumption by properly used information pertaining to facts and studies, and will disqualify any form of ACCURATE information as to just how much of our resources are being gobbled up each year. The true question is, how much firewood is actually being sold and used for heat by the illegal sale of firewood by unregistered sellers and the unreported TAX DOLLARS to the GOVERNMENT? For those who operate illegally and cast lies of persuasion and dispersion on the consumer daily, they ARE THE ACTUAL WINNERS at your expense, since there are NO CONTROLS on what they do and by what they sell in reference to PROPER CORDAGE, QUANTITIES and QUALITY. Sadly, we cannot have it both ways. We do need protection and we do need controls that WILL REGULATE those in the business to guarantee you, the consumer, the best and guaranteed options with an easy recourse through Government for QUICK and DECISIVE ACTION when things ARE NOT DONE BY LAW.
(5) Government Correspondence and letters to Government
Like the prevailing winds that follow a hurricane, when it comes to Government, the thought is only what is about in the past and NOT WITHIN the SCOPE of the FUTURE. As yet, and true to what is proven to be a politician in Nova Scotia, no response or follow-ups. Regardless of the tone of the letter, it clearly establishes that the POLITICIANS of this Province have little concern for the problem and NO CONCERN for making things better for the consumer. THEY ARE JUST AS MUCH OF THE PROBLEM AS THE SCAMMERS and CHEATERS by continually allowing the Good consumers of Nova Scotia to be screwed over yet once again. DO REMEMBER THEM AGAIN COME ELECTION TIME WHEN THEY BARGAIN FOR YOUR VOTES.
Submitted to Government in September 2012.
Problems related to the
Firewood Selling Industry
In all honesty, this is a
part of the forest industry as I see this that is lacking in many areas of
control. As a means of dispersing forms of energy (said winter firewood) from
the lands of this Province, this is a Revenue Source for some. For many this is
a cash cow in and cash under the table business that allows TOO MANY areas that
are lacking Governmental Control. Sadly, the consumer is the one paying the
ultimate price by Scams, Conspiracy to Defraud Artists posing as honest to
goodness Firewood Suppliers, the Actual Act of Fraud in many cases, and who
knows how many issues of Theft by Conversion when you look at where some of
these people are getting the wood and ultimately turning it into cash. On the
cash issue, MANY DO NOT report it as income, supplemental income and maintain a
proper billing procedure and purchasing procedures. I know of many of these
people buying wood under the table from cutters, wood lot owners, roadside sales
places, backyard operations, farmers cutting wood and clearing land as they
dispose of all, and anything they can get their hands on. Then there are the
people going around after Nova Scotia Power cut line ways and wire paths for
wires leaving tonnes of wood in the ditches and roadside areas. When it is cut,
it is cut because it is a problem and in 95% of the cases, garbage. However,
watch the trucks flocking to gather it up, cut it, and start selling it on
Kijiji and other places.
When you address the issue of controls, we
should look at the big picture here as spelled out in three simple terms.
Lack of control on purchasers of the product
from those sources, and in turn, their canny ability to turn this into a CASH in
the HAND business which is usually done at the expense of the Consumer while no
protection vices in reference to the consumer by the Province are in place.
Those selling to the retail public are the
ones making money (and in my opinion – illegal revenue dollars at that) by
posing as businesses NOT REGISTERED in the Province of N.S. to do business as
the Registry of Joint Stocks of Companies are set up to, not properly maintained
as a business in N.S., and doing all of this under the table by using a series
of names; NON REGISTERED names, made up with false locals, advertising in
formats as telephone poles, different areas as if these persons are locals with
local addresses and names used while advertising on Kijiji and the newspapers
just to mention a couple.
The lack of CONSUMER PROTECTION here by this
Province baffles me. We have regulated controls on dispensing energy products as
heating oil, electricity, propane gas, natural gas to mention a few. On the
other hand, wood used as heating, or otherwise, outside of the Pulp and Paper
yard baffles me. It is a product sold and used as energy. In many case, some is
even cut on Crown Lands. But, when the system fails, it fails because
politicians do not see the true picture, and are not willing to step up to the
plate and swing because of perhaps a few lost votes. WE NEED CHANGE and
Where do the problems begin? The problems begin in
Government on both sides of the spectrum. We have the Better Business Bureau to
begin with. Why are they there? They have no power to do anything. There is no
protection there for consumers. If a business or personal entity DOES NOT
register, the only thing they can do is follow up on a complaint. Once done, the
issue is to RESOLVE IT. However; and like the case of Arland Gave and a few
others that have been doing this for 20 years plus, if there are no names,
correct addresses, info in general, no way of tracking them or finding
them……what can be done? What protection is there in place when you have a proven
record by ARLAND GAVE off of BISSETT ROAD conducting business in the past 20
years plus, under dozens of names that have never been, and are not registered,
or able to be tracked and traced even today. He and his cohorts have literally
scammed thousands of people over from short cords of wood delivered in Random
Length, and mostly by his scheming ways of cut and split firewood, supposedly
measuring to proper cordage as specified and legislated by Measurement Canada.
Don’t take my word, contact Erica Garnier senior
director at Measurement Canada from HRM, or Jean Poirier from the same office.
However, Measurement Canada can do nothing either. They tell me they work hand
in hand with the Provincial Government on matters as this. HOW…..WHEN NO ONE HAS
eluding the true facts by bringing REGULATION to the table? They come out and
measure and then say, ‘you have been shorted on delivery. You do not have two
cords, but you do have 1.06 cords of cut and split firewood.’ From there, the
suggestions are simple which is located further down in this summary
So, from here it gets dropped back on the consumer who
calls the BBB. That is a waste of time because they have no power and the
questions asked solve nothing. With no record of the business, no information on
the persons involved, no proper phone numbers, no corporation, no proper address
because he is a fraud, nothing anywhere registered with the Province; and even
if they did, the only thing the BBB can do is post a warning. So, in simple
terms, how does that help the consumer? Many do not have the Internet. For those
that do, this is a wide open hunting ground for Arland Gave and a few others to
hunt without a license. I say this because he is the biggest advertiser on
Kijiji operating under 20 to 50 different UNREGISTERED names at one time and all
worded to make the package sound too good to the unsuspecting person looking for
both firewood and a deal.
When you call the BBB, it is frustrating to sit on the
line and listen to music for 2 to 10 minutes (been there as late as Thursday,
August 9th, 2012 - for 7 minutes and 41 seconds and
finally hung up after being disconnected two previous times) while perhaps staff
relay stories around the water cooler or who knows what.
Older people do not understand much of technology and
get frustrated easily. I do myself at times, whereas I am not spring chicken.
Hell, these are the people and the backbone of this province, that make it a
point to elect people to Government to make good Government and protect the
people of this Province. So why does Government NOT step up to the plate and do
what is both needed here and necessary to protect both those votes and
consumers? The people of this Province deserve better from Government on this
matter than what is being put forth. And for those that do have the Internet or
make contact with the BBB, many are still getting burned because of the LACK of
CONTROLS that these sellers operate under, the GROWING lack of Government
Intervention to PROTECT the Consumer by Regulating this Industry (and yes….it is
an industry) whereas it falls under the Energy Format Levels established in this
Province, as well as the Forestry Act.
As for the Federal Level……this I find interesting. I met
with Erica and Jean in early March or so to become a member of the Nova Scotia
Firewood Venders Association of Nova Scotia in hopes of making a difference in
cleaning up this mess. Approved that day, it took the Province of Nova Scotia two months to
add my name to the list. To me, a simple request that perhaps should have taken
a day or so. However, by the lack of integrity of Governmental staff on the
Provincial side to add my name to the list, I was called a fraud by several
people who wrote me saying I should not say or advertise such facts to obtain
business. Sadly, this finally went back to Erica and Jean to have Measurement
Canada clear the air by proving that I was. So, for something as simple as this,
I would like to hear how busy someone was for two months that they could not
properly update a list upon request by Measurement Canada.
People….the system sucks! So, if the departments move
that quickly in updating a system, how the heck can anyone in their right mind
protect a Consumer through a complaint or series of complaints? Considering
this, I will also enclose a letter sent to me by a consumer calling me a fraud
because the Provincial Governmental Departments were TOO BUSY to update files
and follow through on several requests made by Measurement Canada to update
their list with me on it. I see this also as an ‘In House’ problem with the way
the wheels of Government turn and function in a means that is not protective and
to the point to the Consumer.
Another interesting point is the mis-use of Farm Plates.
Where I live, we have two farmers buying outside firewood, cutting it,
advertising it as a business at their farm and on their trucks, and hauling it
on farm plates. This is WRONG and a complete violation of the privilege of Farm
Plates. However, I have turned this info over to the PROPER Government
Department; spoke with them in length and what has been done? Nothing! That is
not right for those of us who HAVE TO buy the high priced Commercial Plates for
our vehicles to do the same. Simply put, you are either a FARMER or a WOOD
SELLER. In this Province, you cannot be both and mis-use the privilege granted
under the Farm Plating Act granted to the HONEST FARMERS. However, this system
fails badly also. I see motor homes, new half ton trucks, cars and so on
spouting Farm Plates. Does anyone in Government know what the hell qualifies for
farm plates? This is just another form of LOST PROVINCIAL COPPERS and another
mis-use under the Farm Plate Act. They are for FARM PRODUCTS to be taken to and
from MARKET. Does anyone in Government care enough to correct the wrong doings
of everyone before them, and present? You are the elected ones and it is only
fair to have a system working, and totally and equally enforced. If not, it is
time to rid Government and the people of the Pay Check Slackers failing in their
When dealing with the Issue of Arland Gave, I am amazed
that he has done this for this many years (close to 20 and still barricades
himself and his operation behind 8 foot walls) and this Provincial Government
turns a blind eye when it comes to Consumer Protection. Still, when a crime is
committed, and the police turn to the public for assistance, how do the Police
and system protect us, the people, when they cannot act on all complaints?
Arland has done this for many years and several Provincial governments, and
sadly, he has done it without any repercussions from Government because someone
in Government feels Consumer Rights and Fair Play is not important. Presently,
he now continues to do this with the assistance of Kijiji who literally DOES
NOTHING to protect the consumer.
In speaking in depth with Erica, it was my understanding
that in conversations with Kijiji, Measurement Canada would be having a format
that ALL ADVERTISERS on FIREWOOD on Kijiji would have all ads with a disclaimer
or protective notice thru Measurement Canada, The Province and Kijiji. That was
in May of this year 2012. Sadly, NOTHING has been done. Why, because this is the
Internet and Kijiji owners DO NOT CARE. It is kind of much like the Province and
Politicians in Nova
Scotia we turn to for protection when it comes to the
consumer. I spoke to the Previous Government on this matter and was informed it
was being looked into for action. That was over three years ago. Still, I see
nothing different other than the amount of scammers and tactics growing as the
consumer gets screwed over by the current failing system.
Nonetheless, as far as Kijiji is concerned, their main
agenda is selling advertisements through Top Ads, Urgent Update Ads, and Home
Page Ads which Arland purchase weekly under many different names and ads. These
are clearly traceable. Sadly, no one does anything. On the other hand, he adorns
telephone poles, N.S. Power Poles with his fake phone numbers and rip-off wood
ads, newspapers and so on while the Government does nothing. The Police do
nothing. The RCMP does less, and the Crown doesn’t even want to be bothered with
it. Does anyone see anything wrong here? Where is this Province and why are the
Elected Members failing the people who put them there? Perhaps it is time for
someone to begin reading the complaints that are sent to me and posted on my
How would you feel if you bought 4 cord of wood,
Measurement Canada comes to your yard and measures it and says, ‘sorry….you only
have a little over two cords of wood here.’ So, in turn you ask, ‘could you tell
me what I can do about this?’ In response it would be – ‘Well now, you could
contact the BBB, the Police, Kijiji and someone in Province House if all else
fails.’ Sadly - ALL ELSE DOES FAIL because there are NO CONSUMER SAFEGUARDS IN
PLACE for people buying wood due to the ignorance of Government and their
laziness to recognize that there is a serious problem here. I have contacted
Ramona Jannex on this and she did have someone from Government Contact me.
However, after two phone calls from the ‘so called’ departments……the issue now
has fallen on deaf ears and again, NOTHING has been done. No one followed up
with me as promised. Even the simplest Email request for the info I had was
denied by those who stated they did want to make a difference. We do have
problems here and no one in Government Cares. To me, this is a crime on its
Further to that, there is no move by GOVERNMENT to
change this, eliminate this fraudulent practice or control this problem. THESE
ARE CRIMES BEING COMMITTED IN THIS PROVINCE that fall both under the Federal
Legislation and the Provincial Legislation, or Act, while others profit from the
beaten down consumer that no one cares to protect.
Where do they turn when the RCMP and police say, ‘we
have extensive files on Arland Gave on the wood scams and frauds, and bigger
things. Unfortunately, the wood is not one of our main priorities. Perhaps the
best avenue would be Small Claims Court.’ So, who protects these people? What
recourse do they have for an option? Why does everyone suggest Small Claims
Court? Don’t these persons in the Governmental Departments know that you MUST
IN THE SMALL CLAIM COURT SYSTEM? If you cannot find him, or anyone for that
matter because of their use of fraudulent names and fictitious locations,
refusal to register a business name, how can you even swear out a complaint? As
it is, this system literally sucks. I mean, this man literally stole my name and
business name I operated under for two years, registered it as his own operating
name and this Province Condoned it by allowing him to register my own name of
‘Frank’s Best Buy Firewood.’ Is there a politician out there that really has the
common sense to observe the laws, consumer protection, and actually deal with a
serious issue as this? To date, I think not.
The question is really simple. We need Regulation by
means of ALL WOOD SELLERS to be Registered with the Registry of Joint Stock of
Companies in this Province. If they are not and they are advertising this
product for sale, it should be treated the same as someone selling ILLEGAL
CIGARETTES, Peddling Illegal Gas or Diesel, Kerosene Oil, Natural Gas, Propane
and Electricity. I mean, it is against the law for me to create my own
electricity and use it or sell it. So, how the heck, and why the heck should
wood being CUT and SOLD for FIREWOOD be any different? I further this by
suggesting that ANYONE selling wood MUST BE AN APPROVED MEMBER of the Nova
Scotia Firewood Vendors Association with an approved yard, location of business
and MUST meet all categories as set down and in place by Measurement Canada to
obtain a license. The Government should also adapt a program much like the Motor
Carrier Act and enforce it to make sure any and all persons involved meet the
criteria and format set down by Measurement Canada in all respects to the
Firewood industry pertaining to measurement, advertising and the list goes on.
Hell, even Municipalities have Garbage Police so to speak. They red tag garbage
bags when they do not comply with the needed rules. So, why not be looking at a
more serious issue here, but in a more strict manner?
To add to this, any and all vehicles dealing in
firewood; whether cut, split or in 8 foot or random length @ 16 feet being sold
and hauling wood for home use or the Purpose of SALE for home use, MUST HAVE a
Government Approved Sticker by either the Province or Federal Governments
clearly posting a Registry Number on their vehicle. On top of that, Measurement
Canada should measure all trucks carrying wood if in loose load or bulk to
clearly identify the amount of CUBIC VOLUME the box, and vehicle can legally
haul and carry, and it should be clearly posted on the sticker to allow people
the opportunity of protection. Interesting as it is, people selling certain
quantities of wood fall under another branch of the Federal Government and have
to clearly identify amounts over certain quantities. As sad as it is, those
selling under MANY ILLEGITIMATE NAMES are therefore beating this part of the
system. There are many problems here and GOVERNMENT is doing virtually NOTHING
to correct it.
When you look at this, it is actually quite simple.
Length by Width by Depth equals volume, and cubes are divided by the scale used.
This can only be done and enforced with someone having a Registered Business
Name, Business Number and must be Registered in location having a proper address
like a car dealer who has one place of business, or supplemental business
location. Or if one or more location, a supplemental license by meeting any and
all requirements with the Registry of Joint Stocks, Nova Scotia Compliance, and
with the BBB making all names made public and addresses posted in an area as set
down with the Better Business Bureau. It is there…..so why not use it? While
doing so, make it easier for people to call and get info when issues come about
or happen.
should be given a list of the registered vehicles to insure all is proper when
these vehicles are on the road or going to people’s homes. Anyone not complying
and is found to be selling firewood OUTSIDE of this format, should have vehicles
seized, wood seized, quick legal action WITHOUT WARNINGS, and legislation
brought into effect to protect the Consumer in a way that the RCMP, Police in
general and crown have no alternative, but to ACT rather than make excuses.
Forget Small Claims
Court . This is a criminal act and should be dealt
with under the Criminal Code of Canada. Also, anyone trying to register ANY NAME
or APPLY for one; if there are UNRESOLVED COMPLAINTS in the BBB or otherwise
with any name, principle persons who have been operating under assumed names or
otherwise, or names used in the past or connected to the applicant, NO
PRIVILEDGES should be granted until any and all outstanding issues are settled.
Should one arise from the past that was not presented or dealt with, they are
suspended until such a claim is satisfied and only then should a re-instatement
be considered. This will move the situation about quickly and avoid butt
dragging as we presently have.
There is another concern that also should be addressed.
We need to address this further by setting Guidelines as to HOW WOOD IS
ADVERTISED and SOLD. Price is not a concern. However, quality and the manner in
how wood is advertised and sold must be. I mean, we don’t mix diesel and gas at
the pumps for use in any of our vehicles for better power and mileage. Diesel
will give it over gas. So, why should anyone selling a wood mix of softwood with
alder tree, white birch with maple, green poplar with yellow birch and classify
it as hardwood and firewood. Grant it, it is firewood. But there are vast
differences and many that can cause fires. Nonetheless, when you have six
different forms of wood mentioned above as an example, one must consider the
creosote factor and the BTU rating factor on burn power. Wood must be advertised
by what it is and all purchasers should be given in writing by the seller where
the wood originated from and when it was cut. I am talking about total control
over an out of control heating commodity. Burning mixed firewood as described
above is a total waste of energy.
I am not saying it won’t burn together. I am merely
pointing out that Green Poplar is one half the BTU rating as Silver Maple as an
example. Therefore, it will burn almost three times as fast in a powder burn and
do it quickly. From there, much of the maple is left, but the main quality of
heat and BTU usage is compromised. Burning and selling arsenic coated pallets or
wood should be automatically outlawed. We see them advertised everywhere for
free. One tablespoon of arsenic being burned off of pallets or treated wood can
kill up to 100 people if ingested through bad ventilation or worse. Were you
aware of that? If not, we need to create an awareness that PROTECT the
This is no different than someone using a set of tires
that are rated on an ‘F’ or 10 ply rating on two wheels of their truck and two
tires at another rating on the other wheels of the truck and happily going about
their way feeling safe and comfortable while pulling a heavy loaded trailer
behind them. We talk about improving highway 101 and highway safety in general.
What about the home? Sadly, most people do not know the difference on either of
the products. My point is simple. FIREWOOD being sold should not be allowed to
be sold as MIXED WOOD. It should be classified as what it is and should be sold
as one wood only, by, and from what it is.
Clarification must be made and clearly identified in the
category of what is called ‘Seasoned Wood.’ Now that is one Arland Gave is best
at. Nothing he sells is quality and nothing is sold as a proper cord based on
Measurement Canada at 128 cubic feet per piled cord. However, whether green or
dry, it is always Green wood. Buy some. Use some Government money to instil a
few stings.
There should be an informed manner in which to educate
people. Did you see the News Story I did on CBC when asked? If not….too bad! It
was clear and decisive, not to mention to the point in addressing these issues.
As it stands, people are not being educated about wood, the scammer tricks, how
to actually ask for and buy it, ask for it and know what to expect until they
have been screwed over. We need controls and all registered members of the
firewood selling community should be clear on what they sell and back it up with
an honest to goodness service.
Personally, and at my expense, I am doing my best to do
that thru my website. However, it does little good when the Neanderthals are
given the opportunity to thrive while Government shrugs their shoulders and
considers this an unimportant cause. Perhaps some of Government needs to read
both of my websites to understand the full impact of the problem. The sad issue
here is simple. Unless stiff regulations are brought about to protect consumers
from the illegal persons grafting and scamming, this will only get worse.
Why is it when someone loses a job we find a new wood
seller in the business? Simple…..there are no formats or qualifications needed
to become a scammer or worse. Sadly, when one goes on the Kijiji site under
firewood and searches sellers, one will find about 30 to 50 plus ads directly
controlled by Arland Gave and NEVER UNDER HIS OWN NAME with a proper business
name or location.
Do something right for a change. This is way worst than
a few crooked politicians lining their pockets at our expense and receiving a
slap on the wrist for being crooks. If you added all of Arland Gave’s atrocities
together for one year – and this year alone; and trust me on this one, it would
be ten times the incidents of crooked politicians before the courts in the past
12 months.
Consider this; if he sells 4 cords of wood at $225.00
per cord - that is $900.00. He pays an average of $90.00 to $110.00 per cord. I
also know for a fact he does employ people under the table, buys wood the same
avoiding much of the taxes on HST, and outside of the WCB rules, pays a
percentage on yard cutting to avoid having staff on payroll, and on top of that,
all is done by cash without record. However, the price of $900.00 is not the
issue. The issue is people getting what they agree to buy. Whereas I know for
one that there is no money in the business, and I do it for a hobby and a means
of covering my tab on trying to make the system better, he sells 4 cords but
delivers 2 cords plus a little when piled. People; that is gouging, scamming,
defrauding and cheating people and profiting by an enormous amount at the cost
of the consumer since he is delivering only half of what is being paid for. Why?
It is simple. Government has forgotten about the people who matter most. They
are the consumer and the ones you have to go to on the next election call. And
his profit…..outrageous. It is worse than the food monopoly presently in this
Learn about wood as did I. Find out what you can do to
make a difference. Better yet, consider the above, but put more emphasis and
protection in place to make it almost impossible like the Gasoline Act for
anyone to scam. As for price…..that is simple. Let those price their wood as
they see fit to stay competitive in a proper and controlled marketplace.
However, one stipulation should be enforced. A cord is a cord piled at 128 cubic
feet cut at 16 inch cuts and piled out at that without any questions or doubt.
On the other hand, selling Random Length wood is another issue where consumers
buying bulk cordage must be informed that once a Ground Laying or Standard
Ground Laying cord is cut, it is only 65 to 70 per cent of an actual cord. There
are too many problems here that Government turns a blind eye and deaf ear to.
The people of this Province; YOUR VOTING PUBLIC needs to
see Government at work coming up with a better means of protecting the wood
buying consumer. This is just as big as an outlandish lease as just announced by
the present Government. If you don’t, I will guarantee this will be one of my
main issues come election time. There is nothing in it for me, and I want
nothing out of it but the OVERDUE PROTECTION to the CONSUMER. I do this as a
hobby and wish not to do anything more than that. However, the people buying
firewood do need comfort and protection. They do deserve truth and better than
what is presently in place.
Hopefully someone will make a vigilant attempt to take
this serious. Money is hard to come by and the way the taxes increase, jobs are
lost, crime increases, people have to be protected. Do your jobs. Make this a
better wood burning Province. Did you know that per population capita, we have
more complaints about firewood sellers and scammers than all across
Canada ? Do you think there is a
reason for that?
Frank Rhyno
Submitted to Stephen McNeil by FAX, EMAIL and by Regular MAIL. And this man wants you to trust him as being one to believe in good government. Think clearly come the next election. We have politicians with COATS of MANY COLOURS in this PROVINCE. Again, as the NDP Government, no response of any kind.
New Minas,
To: The Honourable Stephen
P.O. Box 1420
(Massive Issue of Concern)
Dear Mr.
Unfortunately this will be
lengthy, and I am not sure where to begin and end with this. However, it seems
all of my attempts in the past few years have fallen on deaf ears and blind eyes
with the Conservative Government, and so far with this one. I do hope you will
take my time serious and what is enclosed to at least give this a fair option of
perusal. This is not about me and I am not concerned for me in any aspect. This
is clearly about the Consumer and what is NOT BEING DONE to protect
I am forwarding you a copy
of an original letter that was passed to Minister Ramona Jannex. There have been
a couple of changes by means of updates on info, but 99% of the letter is
original. In her capacity, I am positive she did all she could whereas she did
clearly tell me that it was not her portfolio. However, she did make inroads and
people did contact me on the matter. Nonetheless, the deaf ears and blind eyes
have taken the usual path as in most important matters pertaining to the
In July Ramona did visit my
yard. She learned much that she admitted to pertaining to the problem, and did
clearly define in so many words that she learned more about firewood and the
associated scamming problems in an hour than she basically learned in her life.
She did take action and that was verified by a conversation with a Mr. Cameron
McNeil, who called me in late July. We spoke in length. He too was aware that
there were issues. He did state that he would pass it to a Catherine Smith (used
to be with the Registry of Joint of Stocks) in hopes of setting up a meeting to
look at this in the form of several people including someone from Caucus.
A couple of weeks later I
received a call from a Mr. Dale McGillis. We also spoke in depth. It was left
that Mr. McGillis would forward me his email address and wanted to obtain
information on the matter of my files and numerous complaints from consumers.
That was then. Again, deaf ears and blind eyes.
Since, I re-visited
Ramona’s office in September and dropped a packet off. Again, nothing from
anyone. The concerns here are serious and the concerns more than legitimate.
This is not about me, for me, or in any way, to manage profit for me. This is
about the system and how it fails people in the Firewood Buying Community as the
Consumer. Doesn't anyone care, or are people in Government just interested in
doing nothing while lining their pockets with tax payer’s money? If so, it is a
poor example of working government that is supposed to be by the people and for
the people.
I am enclosing several
letters and offering you an invitation to visit my websites. I will up front
apologize for some of the added content not yet cleaned up because of other
commitments this summer involving myself. However, no matter, there are issues
here and problems. Sadly, this never went far with the previous Government, and
as yet, little has been done with this Government. Nonetheless, when Mr.
McGillis tells me – and I quote, ‘you must understand Frank; this will not be
done over night. This could take years to address as there are other important
issues.’ I responded with, ‘Voters and consumers being scammed by a failing
system is an important issue. This does need to be addressed now and not a year
or two down the road.’ He responded with the comment, ‘if there is a complaint
about a can of soup, we investigate.’ This isn't about soup. This is about lost
Provincial Revenue, lost Federal Revenue, Scammers screwing the public over by
crooked and fraudulent means by unscrupulous scammers and people who have
perfected their craft.
From there, I was offered
an Email address, and from then until now, nothing. However, the complaints to
me by people wanting advice on how they can rectify what happened, continue. The
same to Measurement Canada, The BBB, The Police, The RCMP, and To Kijiji are
non-stop, even though they do not care. DOES ANYONE CARE besides me? Have people
in Government lost sight of what is important here, or are we at a parallel that
we don’t care because we may offend someone, ripple the waters because we could
in a year or two face another election? What we need in this Province are
politicians who are not afraid to stand up, step up to the plate and give
honesty a place to find a home.
Sadly, I do think Minister
John McDonnell’s relations are involved in the Forestry Trade and Firewood
industry. But, is that a concern or conflict? I do not have the answer, but I do
have one heck of a pile of unanswered questions, as do many consumers who have
been defrauded out of monies under the firewood scams perpetrated by several out
there posing as honest business people without names, business names, legal and
proper addresses and business locations. This should also be a moment of concern
for the Government under the Registry of Joint Stocks. These are just more
examples of Provincial Dollars not being collected by a Province who is known
for NOT DOING what is right and in a fair format.
I am appealing to you, as
hopefully one, and especially being the opposition leader, that perhaps you are
the one to step up to the plate and request answers. The Police reports posted,
the News Stories done, the newspaper articles, the complaints, the people being
scammed and screwed out of their hard earned dollars while nothing by Government
is being done, are real.
If you feel this is also a
place for Deaf Ears and Blind Eyes, you leave the option for people few places
to turn. If you need letters from people scammed, trust me, this can also be
arranged. Please check out my different web sites and sections for a closer look
at the people screwed over. And do remember, these have not been updated from
the latest to now present.
Home 902-678-9797/ cell
Any questions, please do
not hesitate. On the other hand, please do not hesitate as your fellow members
have on looking at and into this matter.
Frank Rhyno
cc; Frank
New Minas,
The trailer below is loaded with 340 to 342 cubic feet of wood loose loaded.
This trailer will pile out at the following measurements for easy calculations representing ONE cord as below ties one or times two for two cords.
Trailer cord measurements piled:
1 cord of 168 to 170 cubic feet loose loaded = 4 ft high X 4 ft wide X 8 feet long.
2 cords of 340 to 342 cubic feet would be = 4 ft high X 8 ft wide X 8 feet long.
This trailer is holding a proper 2 cord load cut and split @ 342.0 cubic feet.
Another point to bring forth is manual hand blocking or cross piling on a loose load. This is done more often that people realize. This had happened to me about 12 years ago. I was lucky. I was not going to be there when the wood was delivered but running late, I was. However; things changed to the dismay of the seller. The person delivering had no dump on the unit and had hand thrown it into the one ton truck box. Needless to say, he was astonished to find me home on delivery. Many who do this, calculate this with the idea of either cheating someone unsuspecting of it, or, as a means of making up on that shortage of the actual cut cord. This practice is normally done with people hand loading wood where they intentionally will cross pile the wood in squares or pockets. This is done as to increase the amount of air hole space in the load. On the other end, and for the person unsuspecting, it will enable those persons to make it look like they are actually tendering a larger load upon delivery. Having said this; BE THERE and watch the wood coming off. If it doesn't look like it is a normal loose falling load of wood from the box, ask them to wait until it is piled. Most will then baulk and quickly come up with excuses, or go in DEAL MODE. I am not trying to instigate issues, but merely warn you that things as this happen only too often. People with inadequate equipment, or people who really don't care and want the 'QUICK BUCK', ruin it for others doing it correctly. REMEMBER THE SECTIONS PERTAINING TO DEALS. To protect yourself from this practice is difficult. However, being on your toes and letting the seller know that you are aware of tricks cannot hurt. However; the best method is being present, being on your toes with calculator and tape measure in hand while watching everything as it comes off of the truck.
Here, all wood is machine conveyor loaded directly from the wood
processor into the truck, and/or trailers. I operate a one person
operation (me) only, and trust me; I am too old to indulge in playing
these games and wasting my time in hand piling, or working wood in that
manner. It is important to understand that not all people do things as
this. However; like anything in life, when it comes to making a fast
buck, saving a lost buck, or getting the best on a deal or
mistake-----there are the exceptions.
for the truck below, the measurements on the box calculates
to the following:
At 11
feet 7 inches long, by 7 feet wide, by 4 feet 2 inches high as we piled in the
trailer, or a bit higher in the center as pictured, this actually makes the cubed calculations of 345.45 cubic feet. We
then divide that by the loose thrown cord of 168 cubic feet and we will finally end
up with 2.056 cords of wood.
some, this may seem boring, and yet, unimportant. However; remember
that if you are paying anyone for wood to be delivered that is cut and
split, you
should be getting what you bargain for. The best cut in the industry
that will give you the best even cord count based on an 8 and 16 foot
piece of unprocessed wood is 16 inch cuts. Any wood over or under that
means you are not getting the best cut and package available. The wood
comes in to us processors usually at 8 and 16 feet in length with the
latter classified as (R.L.) or Random Length. I have seen loads over the
years at staggered cuts being from 4 to 6 and 8 feet with the shorter
being buried in the load. Unfortunately, this is where the short and
many staggered off size cuts originate. It is also where a processor
like me can lose if he is not paying attention to what is being
Having the wood in 8 and 16 foot pieces; and if you divide the 16 inch cut by the length of the wood broken down in inches, it then becomes a processed piece with even cuts. Aside from that, less waste, better cord count; other than a block ends which basically comes from any piece longer than the 8 or 16 foot delivered log, random cutting, all contribute to short cording and bad cutting. Those cutters operating processors have a natural laser or mechanical setting that assures you of the same cut on 8 and 16 foot wood. If someone tells you otherwise, be on your toes and learn to become Dick Tracy. If you receive a load of wood with many staggered cuts, the person or business selling the wood is gaining. Each piece shorter than 16 inches; and in some cases, longer than 16 inches, is taking away from the actual volume and cord count. Even cuts work toward even cordage without exception. Keep in mind that a 12, 13, 14 or 15 inch cut, and loose tossed in a truck will actually occupy close to the same volume in occupying air space until piled. It is important to remember that a crafty individual can occupy more space through hand cross piling and pocketing whether it is on a truck box, bin or pallet. Once piled, the differential is well noticeable. This can take from 3% to as much as 10% off of the proper piled cord of wood based on it being a loose loaded cord, or a 168 cubic foot cord. This depends on how much, or if any of the above has transpired. I have also seen where one individual cuts and dumps with a tractor bucket into the truck box because he has no conveyor. I had seen the same individual in the box adjusting wood to appear differently by occupying more space. These practices take from you and gives the edge to him on cord count. This truck below is holding a proper 2 cord load of cut and split wood @ 345.4 cubic feet. |
To find many of these answers and much more
(a) When ordering wood, YOU MUST ASK for the PROPER CORD that you want to purchase by. If you don't, 9 times out of 10 you will end up buying a cord of wood as a ground laying cord, but will be delivered the processed amount based on the lesser amount. That being said, the seller is profiting by not giving you what you are hoping to get, but clearly comes out ahead because you NEGLECTED to ask for a PILED CORD of 128 CUBIC FEET and the differential that is made up is a LOSS toy you and a PERSONAL POCKET PROFIT to him. (b) When ordering the cord, be PRECISE on the type of cord you are ORDERING, GETTING and PAYING FOR. If you are not RECEIVING a proper piled 128 cubic foot cord, then there SHOULD be an adjusted price to offset the differential of 68 to 70% of the short corded amount. (eg.... if the wood to you is quoted at $225.00 a cord, and if it is NOT A TRUE 128 Piled Cord when delivered and piled, the differential reflected should be calculated at 70% of the asking price. In other wards, $225.00 for a processed ground laying cord should cost $157.50 instead of the $225.00). To protect yourself, MEASURE THE TRUCK BOX WITH THE WOOD IN IT BEFORE IT IS UNLOADED. This can easily be done from the outside measurements of the box by length, width and depth which gives you volume.(FOR EXAMPLE).... If the truck box is 8 feet wide by 4 feet deep and 12 feet long, there would be a total of 384 cubic feet. You then divide that by 168 cubic feet being a loose thrown cord if he has not corner piled, blocked the corners or platform piled in the box making it appear as more wood than is. That is clearly demonstrated in the CBC News Story (go to section #8 Scammers and Tactics for the direct link to the news story) that I did on this site. No matter, the 384 cubic feet would realize 2.2857 proper cords when piled. If a truck arrives at your yard and wood is in compartments, again measure. Remember that the smaller compartments have smaller corners and in loose tossed wood these become an advantage to the seller and not the buyer. If the truck has compartments on it measuring 4 feet in length, 4 feet high and 8 feet wide, that will calculate to 128 cubic feet. Loose tossed, that means 68% of a cord being 87.04 cubic feet and is only 2/3's of a proper cord. So, when someone says they can haul 2, 3, 4 or more cord on one load, get the measuring tape and calculator out as soon as they arrive and start doing the math. However, DO NOT PAY up front or sign anything before you are satisfied that what is being delivered is truly on the truck.Also, in ordering wood, remember that MIXED WOOD is worth LESS than one type of wood. If you order Maple, then it should only be Maple. Other wood mixed in lowers the quality of the wood when the burn stage takes place because of the differentials in KINDLING TEMPERATURE and BTU's in BURN RATE. MIXED WOOD is worth about 60 to 75% of a PROPER STABILIZED WOOD BEING OF ONE TYPE OR THE OTHER. Imagine this: John Doe sells a cord of wood for $200.00. Joe Smith sells a cord of Maple for $250.00. John Doe sells mixed wood. John Smith sells Maple. There are two differences here aside from price. Do the math. If you choose not to, then read all of my website to find the accurate terminologies in all sections and aspects. Sellers prices should reflect that. If not, get on your calculator and do the math in reference to BTU's, WOOD WEIGHT when it is both green and seasoned.People sell wood in many forms. The most general way is by the proper cord. However, the easiest way to get burned is to buy one cord or smaller denominations in forms of 'A Rick', 'A Face Cord', or partial cord by manners of a quarter of, a third of, a half of a cord. One of the easiest manners in which to get burned is the fellows selling from the back of a half ton truck, small auxiliary trailer, vans or bins and compartment truck boxes. Did you remember that those wheel wells in the box take away from the volume of the load? Mmmmmm, I will bet you never thought about that one. Another term is the 'Pick-up Cord' which can measure anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 a cord depending on the truck or body.This is no different than people using compartments and bins to sell wood. Corners are corners and the smaller the corner (whether squared or not) cuts into the volume because of the smaller occupied space. Unless it is water that you are trying to measure in a bin that holds water with corners squared, rounded or whatever, wood will only measure out at about 75 to 80% of the given volume based on outside measurements. For the consumer, this can be frustrating since you HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO WAY of being guaranteed that you are getting what you are paying for until it is piled and the delivery person is well down the road, smiling and planning what to spend your hard earned dollars on. It is also important to remember if you are buying wood by the auxiliary trailer, half ton truck, van or some sort of bin or compartment, those people will be smart enough to be selling them by that measurement. THEY WILL NOT GUARANTEE YOU A CORD OR ANY SUCH PART OF A CORD BECAUSE OF THE UNSPECIFIED VOLUME OF MEASUREMENT. Also keep in mind, if being delivered in a unit that is not classified as a 'Regular Mode of Transportation' that can be easily measured from the outside, you are the intended target and once the money is spent, you will be the one being screwed.Another important thing to keep in mind is the issue of uneven cut wood. I am not speaking of Block ends here. I am pointing out random cuts between 12 inches and 18 or 20 inches long. How does one cord this type of mess? You can't. The seller will want you to think you are literally getting more wood for your money because some pieces measure more than others. Sadly, he wins.....you WILL LOSE. The weirder the cut, the worse mess you will have by trying to pile and do an accurate cord count. Did you know that uneven wood thrown in a truck box or whatever will occupy more space than regular cut wood at proper 16 inch cuts? Smart buyers WILL INSIST on 16 inch cuts whereas wood is normally cut in 8 foot or 16 foot random length. From this, 16 inches will divide evenly on cuts and you will then have an accurate measurement on piling.
THE QUESTION IS: Are you, or have you been saving money? Oh, and if you say this doesn't apply to you because you have all of the gear......well - consider this. Somewhere and some time ago you either had to buy it or build it. No matter, removing the cost, there is still maintaining it and upkeep, not to mention the still functioning operating costs for gas, chain oil, chains and bars. I know....I just bought 4 Oregon Bars and 6 chains for my processor (same chains and bars as power-saws) and cost me $335.23 with taxes in. GO FIGURE! Then there is the other side of the coin. When done, you will still only have 68 to 70% of a proper piled cord. Remember, you may have bought a cord, but once you cut and split it, it is no longer a co
So-----let's look at the wood business? Who in their right mind is going to give you; a stranger, a deal, free delivery and more wood than what you really should be getting in that 'So Called Deal'? NO ONE!!!! Simply put; this is about what is best for you, your family and the safest wood burning experience possible. The issue of a deal should not even be in the conversation. It should be about the best quality in wood THAT WILL BURN THE LONGEST and THE SAFEST. It should be about BTU quality and for you to buy for the absolute best heating results possible.
This is very simple. If it is good wood, green when you get it and you season it properly, you can get as much as 2 to 4 years out of it depending on where and how you store it outside. Inside, it can be as much as 7 years. but, the downside would be no moisture and it would burn quicker for that reason. This is based on keeping it in a dry place where air can get to it. It is also based on it being cut fresh and properly seasoned. To me, FRESH is what has been discussed in another section and HAS NOT been laying around so bugs, larvae, moisture, water, mildew and rot become part of its landscape. Remember this; it is important to know the source of your wood and everything about it possible before bringing it into the home. If not, there is no telling as to what you may get.
Q&A About FirewoodConcerned about chemicals
Hello, I just found your site and found it to be very informative, however I do have a concern that hasn't been addressed. My husband and I have recently purchased our first home. This is also the first time either of us has had a fireplace. My husband saves pallets from work, breaks them up and burns them in the fireplace. He also burns any wood he can find, from pruned bushes, trees etc. I am concerned with the possibility of chemicals or poisonous fumes from some of this unconventional 'firewood'. Can you please give me some information or refer me to a site that can help?
If you need to, you should only burn clean, uncoated, non-salt-laden, untreated wood. Shipping pallets are usually fine and prunings are fine too. Don't burn painted, stained, creosote treated wood or wood that has been pressure treated with preservatives (these usually tint the wood green or brown). Despite some people's enjoyment of "that nice woodsy smell" when wood is burned in a fireplace, you should never smell wood smoke in your house when the fire is on. If you can smell smoke, get a professional sweep or installer in to check it out and advise on how to stop it.
Kevin says don't burn pallets
I was reading your questions and answers and noticed the one about it being okay to burn pallets. I was burning pallets last year until my research revealed that most shipping wood is treated with one or more of the following: fire retardant; insecticide; fungicide. The arsenic treatments were easy to spot being green; now copper compounds are used. Insecticides are not easy to detect. Fire retardants result in a brownish or rust coloured stain. I have noticed that sometimes even stickers (for under bunks of lumber) are treated. I thought that I had discovered a gold mine when I saw pallets for countertops made of 4x4 oak 10' long with 3' cross members, until I saw that telltale brownish stain. I was heartbroken! In other words, err on the side of caution when selecting shipping wood.
More on pallets from Mike
I have worked in the wood industry for almost 30 years and have sold many pallet manufacturers. I believe that the use of treated lumber in pallets is a rare occurrence. The pallet industry is a down and dirty price sensitive business because the product being manufactured is generally a throw away. I think with a little more research you will find that the main anti-bug requirement for pallets and shipping crates would be heat treating and not chemical treatment. However, there are always exceptions to any rule and fair warning, these ARE NOT listed on pallets designed for shipping and discarding. Hardwood doesn't take treatment well anyway. Mostly pine and spruce is a throw-away pallet used. Never burn particle board or make-up pallets. Even new requirements for export require heat treated verification to prevent bug infestation. The greatest opportunity for chemicals on pallets comes during their use, not manufacture.
Throwing versus stacking firewood
I get a pile of wood delivered. If I throw the wood into my shed instead of stacking it how much loss of capacity will I get. I think I would rather build a larger shed then stack wood year after year.
Excellent question.
The question is, what percentage is air space of a stacked versus thrown cord. I know that the air space in a stacked cord varies from 25 to 35 percent or higher depending on the producer and how he cuts and loads wood. I researched it a few years ago for a project I was working on. The average for firewood seems to be about 35% on a loose loaded or tossed cord. I haven't seen a number quoted for the air space in a thrown pile of cut, split firewood, but I can tell you this: The amount of firewood stacked carefully in the back of a pick up truck up to the level of the sides is about the same as the amount the same pick up can hold if the wood is thrown in until pieces start to fall out. I would think that means thrown wood would take up at least two-thirds more space than stacked wood. I have purchased wood and have seen hand piling in the middle of the truck where cross piling and inner box partitions do make a massive change in the way wood is loaded and loose tossed. I have turned three loads away after it was dumped when I seen it in the middle of a two or three cord load. This is a common trick with scammers and small operators that do cheat on count and consider people as a ‘One Time Only Customer.’ This can cost you wasted dollars for wood that is not actually there.
The real problems I see in throwing wood into trucks and main storage areas are:
hidden sellers who cheat and scam unsuspecting people while doing dirty deeds
beating the hell out of the floor and walls
unable to form vertical walls to take up the space efficiently
an unstable pile as the wood is removed bit by bit
poor drying due to monolithic pile instead of rows with some space between
On the other hand, if an extra large shed is no problem, your thrown pile might save some work. However, I would strongly recommend that you store the wood stacked neatly outside for the summer to dry before you throw it in the shed. Otherwise you could be burning wet wood next fall.
Identifying firewood from sustainable sources
Every one of the firewood suppliers in my area I asked said (once they understood the question) that their wood was from a renewable source. This seems very unlikely. Do you have a list of firewood suppliers who you know are from sustainable source? Do you have any other suggestions (besides cutting the wood myself) to help me source this type of supplies. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Many of us who buy part or all of our firewood supply share your concern about the sustainability of the source. One of the biggest problems is in defining the word sustainable in the context of forest management. The large forest products companies; supported by the government, claim that huge clear-cuts are sustainable even though the entire landscape is permanently altered. Following is a relevant quote from the conclusions.
"An increase in the use of wood as a fuel for residential heating can occur within the framework prescribed by current principles of environmental sustainability. This framework could be generally described by the following points:
· The integrity of the forest, including the trees, the soil and the site, is maintained.
· Species diversity within the managed forest is maintained or enhanced.
· The requirement for the use of non-renewable fossil fuels is reduced, resulting in reduced concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
· Air shed pollutants are minimized and those that are released do not produce health impacts on the population.
· The latter item may require regulatory limitations on some forms of residential wood burning in densely populated urban areas and in areas with poor air-shed ventilation."
A large part of the hardwood fuel produced in this area is a by-product of forestry operations that yield materials for furniture, flooring and other products. Various trade agreements and buyer requirements have resulted in sustainability certifications for forestry operations, so the by-products can also be considered to be from a sustainable source.
The rest of firewood on the market is taken from privately-owned wood lots. Each site and each cutter are unique so I am not able to make a sweeping statement about the sustainability of either source. I have seen private forests that yield a lot of firewood every year and have been doing so for decades. I have also seen near-clearcuts in hardwood stands on private land. Part of the problem we all face in trying to take responsibility for our fuel supplies is that an environmental consciousness has not emerged so when you ask about sustainably produced firewood, you may get a blank stare from the supplier. You face a particular problem in that you are looking for sustainably produced firewood in many rural and city areas.
Several years ago those of us who formed the Wood Heat Organization gave serious thought to trying to organize a sort of firewood certification program so that suppliers who paid attention to sustainability could use the logo of a credible organization to inform the public of their commitment. But organizing firewood suppliers is something like herding cats. Our experience was that most suppliers like to keep their business private and are suspicious of anyone who talks about messing with it.
I'm sorry that I don't have a definitive answer for you on this. But you have made the first step by asking your suppliers about sustainability. Only if they feel the pressure to take some environmental responsibility for their product will they put pressure on those who supply them and so on up the line. To some degree, the availability of sustainably produced firewood depends on buyers demanding it.
I need info on the efficiency of different woods
Could you please send any info you might have on the burning efficiency of different types of wood. Your help is greatly appreciated.
The process of burning wood in a batch in a stove, furnace or fireplace is such a random event and since there are so many different kinds of appliance types and combustion systems, and since moisture contents and even the density of a single species grown on different sites varies a lot, there is no way to generalize on such things. Hard woods burn longer and produce harder, longer lasting coals just because the original wood was denser than softwoods.
In terms of precision, that's about as good as it gets. As we point out on the site, it is much more important to have properly cut, split and seasoned firewood than it is to worry too much about the species.
Question from a novice wood burner
My question is this: I just purchased a new wood burning stove from XXXXXX that is sitting in my existing inefficient fireplace and take great pleasure in burning wood now. The only concern is that I am not sure what kind of wood that I am getting from some people that I have called to supply me. I know it is a combination of several kinds and all do not burn evenly and well together. Where can I get information either from the public library or internet to help me identify different tree species by their bark? I have looked all over the internet where I thought I could find information and there seemed to be none out there. Please help me with this concern if you can.
I really enjoyed your site.
Thank you for your help.
Your local library, book store, government forestry agency, or university extension service would probably have publications that could help you identify tree species. In general, though, hardwoods are dense and heavy, even when seasoned, and softwoods are not. You can sink your fingernail into very soft woods, but it would hardly make a mark in very hard woods. Because they are denser, hardwoods last longer in the fire and produce a longer lasting coal bed. But softwoods can be very pleasant to burn and can do a fine job of heating a house. You would use a greater volume, but not necessarily more weight of wood if you burned softwoods. The bottom line is that properly cut, split and seasoned properly, and being of the same type as Maple, Yellow Birch, Black Poplar, or Hardwood of your choice, it is most important to veer away from any form of mixtures in hardwood known as ‘Tiered Wood, and/or Mixed Wood Combinations. A Credible supplier who knows wood is the only guarantee of getting the best burn for your money with the best wood is best, whatever the species. You might ask around locally to see what experienced wood burners are burning.
Can I burn Cedar?
Can you safety burn cedar wood? We just cut down several cedar trees and were wondering if it is safe to burn.
Sure you can burn it, but it depends on what you burn it in and how you go about it. Cedar makes just about the best natural kindling you can get. It splits easily, lights easily and burns hot. It also spits and crackles so it is not good in an open fireplace. Also, if you are burning it in an open fireplace, you might find it doesn't last long. If you burn it in a stove, you might find it makes a smoky fire if you turn down the air. The thing is, when heated, cedar releases its combustible gases (smoke) very quickly, so it needs a lot of air during its peak release period. Cedar works well for quick fires in spring and fall to take the chill off.
My attitude is there is no bad firewood except wet wood, mixed combinations of wood and logs you can't split. Most of the rest depends on how you use it and how good the supplier is.
Using pressed logs
Dear woodheat, Could you please inform me on the benefits from using manufactured pressed logs? They seem to last all night, and aside from the cost, they are convenient to use (no bugs, not wet, and last forever). I live in Vancouver BC and use a log that is manufactured here that is 100% wood and harder than oak. I would never go back to cord wood! I don't see anything on your site about this side of heating with wood. Why not?
Although I haven't seen a detailed price analysis, partly because prices vary in different market areas, I doubt that heating with manufactured logs would be competitive with oil, gas or even electric heating in any means of comparison. These logs are most often used in fireplaces to create ambience, not for heating purposes. Since our web site is devoted to wood heating, manufactured logs have not been a high priority for site content. But I think a discussion of manufactured log use would be a good addition to the site.
Research has shown that 100% sawdust compressed logs and even wax impregnated logs actually burn cleaner in a fireplace than cord wood, so they are a good idea in urban areas. Note that part of the higher price you pay for a manufactured log is the energy consumed in drying and compressing the sawdust, the petroleum in the case of wax logs, so you are in fact burning some embodied fossil fuel (in most cases). The product, therefore, is not as renewable a fuel as natural firewood. Every fuel has its advantages and disadvantages. If you live in an area which has some serious air quality issues, you are probably doing the right thing by burning manufactured logs.
d2b@xcountry.tv or frankrhynos
Although I haven't seen a detailed price analysis, partly because prices vary in different market areas, I doubt that heating with manufactured logs would be competitive with oil, gas or even electric heating in any means of comparison. These logs are most often used in fireplaces to create ambience, not for heating purposes. Since our web site is devoted to wood heating, manufactured logs have not been a high priority for site content. But I think a discussion of manufactured log use would be a good addition to the site.
Research has shown that 100% sawdust compressed logs and even wax impregnated logs actually burn cleaner in a fireplace than cord wood, so they are a good idea in urban areas. Note that part of the higher price you pay for a manufactured log is the energy consumed in drying and compressing the sawdust, the petroleum in the case of wax logs, so you are in fact burning some embodied fossil fuel (in most cases). The product, therefore, is not as renewable a fuel as natural firewood. Every fuel has its advantages and disadvantages. If you live in an area which has some serious air quality issues, you are probably doing the right thing by burning manufactured logs.
7. Firewood Dated General info 2013 |